Education – Liquid Crystals

Intro to Liquid Crystals

Statistical Mechanics of Liquid Crystals I with Johathan Selinger of Kent State

Statistical Mechanics of Liquid Crystals II with Jonathan Selinger of Kent State

Statistical Mechanics of Liquid Crystals III with Johnathan Selinger of Kent State

Amazing Things with Liquid Crystals I with Palffy Muhory of Kent State

Amazing Things with Liquid Crystals II with Palffy Muhory of Kent State

Amazing Things with Liquid Crystals III with Palffy Muhory of Kent State

Liquid Crystals I with Noel Clark of UC Boulder

Liquid Crystals II with Noel Clark of UC Boulder

Liquid Crystals III with Noel Clark of UC Boulder

The Fourth Phase of Matter: Liquid Crystals with Ömer Dâg of Bilkent University