Job description of the local organizing committee
- Reserving rooms for plenary & parallel sessions, posters, lunches, etc. as soon as the dates are fixed.
- Arranging for equipment for lectures and poster sessions
- Dorm room reservations – as many as possible at local universities.
- Negotiation of lower rates and reservation of hotel rooms after the dates of the conference are fixed.
- Industrial contacts – for conference support and participation in the conference (both equipment exhibits and posters; potential industrial speakers need to be coordinated with program committee).
- Proposals to NSF (there are several divisions related to soft matter), NIH, DOE, to partially support the conference.
- Contact different departments at university for partial support
- Fundraising at other local universities.
- Organizing banquet – preferentially at a nice location off campus arranging for transportation.
- Organizing a short course before the conference in consultation with the program committee.
- Potentially job/career fair for both academic and industrial track in soft matter, publication fair with editors.
- Organizing excursions, tours for accompanying people, childcare options…
- Designing and building a website for the meeting, designing a logo for the meeting (in consultation with the program committee)
- Advertising the meeting (who controls distribution lists)
- Running registration, budget accounting.
- Fun social/scientific events – design (soft robotics) competition, Soft Olympiad from regional teams, cooking, cosmetics, public events.